

APEC 2024 in Long Beach, CA

ITG will exhibit at APEC 2024 in Long Beach, CA between February 26-28, 2024 at the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center. Come visit us at Booth Number 819 to see our latest product offering.

The Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) focuses on the practical and applied aspects of the power electronics business. This is not just a designer’s conference; APEC has something of interest for anyone involved in power electronics:

  • Equipment OEMs that use power supplies and dc-dc converters in their equipment
  • Designers of power supplies, dc-dc converters, motor drives, uninterruptable power supplies, inverters and any other power electronic circuits, equipment and systems
  • Manufacturers and suppliers of components and assemblies used in power electronics
  • Manufacturing, quality and test engineers involved with power electronics equipment
  • Marketing, sales and anyone involved in the business of power electronics
  • Compliance engineers testing and qualifying power electronics equipment or equipment that uses power electronics
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