StartseiteProdukt-KategorieMolded InductorAppearance Criteria for Molded Inductors

Molded Inductor

Appearance Criteria for Molded Inductors Serien


This technical paper is supplied as a service to our customers to clarify the appearance and electrical parameters of the ITG Molded Inductors SM and SMHC Series. The incentive is that it will give our customers a better understanding as to the type of cosmetic irregularities that may occasionally occur during the manufacturing process of the component or during the use of the component.

    Descriptions of the most common irregularities seen on SM and SMHC inductors.

    Common causes are described along with variations in their magnitude.

    Customers may, at some time, see one or all of these irregularities.

    Those that are determined to be in a position to adversely affect the customer’s use of the component are rejected at the factory level but minor (acceptable) irregularities will occasionally be present.

    With the use of this guide a customer will better understand the nature of each irregularity.

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