HomeCategoria di prodottoCommon Mode ChokesDCM181320V

Common Mode Chokes

DCM181320V Serie


0.7mH to 39.0mH, 30%, 0.027Ohm to 1.70Ohm, 5.0Amp to 0.3Amp DIP Common Mode Chokes

    • 18.5×13.5mm Max.(L×W), 20.5mm Max. Height.
    • Inductance range: 0.70mH~39.0mH, Custom values are welcomed.
    • Ideally used as AC common mode noise filter for TV, VCR, switch mode power supply, inverter, industrial equipment, attenuation and control unit
    • with better characteristics in low frequency band.
    • Dielectric strength: 1500Vrms, winding to winding.
    • UL Class B Compliant Common Mode Chokes.
    • Two PCB Layouts (V1 & V2) for customer consideration.
    • Operating temperature: -55 to +130

Caratteristiche elettriche della DCM181320V Serie.


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