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Transformer & Resonant Inductor T201258A 系列 DIP Flyback Transformer 1.30mH, 10%, 4.0Ohm, 0.7Amp IsatT201258A-1-30 is recommended by Renesas with reference design of RAA223182 and RAA223183 for smart meter application Low cost E16 coreMeet 7.0mm clearance and creepage distanceReinforced insulation with triple insulated wiresIsolation voltage: 4kV AC (Surge test compliance to IEC61000-4-5 up to 4kV AC at 2 sec)Dual outputOperating temperature: -25C~+125CRoHS and Halogen Free compliance 規格書
T201258A 系列的電氣特性 產品料號 產品描述 T201258A-1-30 1.3mH, 0.13Ohm to 4.0Ohm, 0.7Amp Saturation Current, DIP Transformer 規格書規格書 收藏加入我的收藏 樣品加入樣品清單 報價加入報價清單 問題詢問問題